We're back aboard tonight after another day of touring around New York. We've spent hours walking through Central Park and have barely seen a third of it. I can't think of a better place to be on a summer Sunday afternoon. There were people of every size, color and nationality. And they were everywhere. We sat on a big rock and watched the softball games, listened to some really good jazz, walked the Ramble and got a little lost. It was wonderful.
We sat for a long time on the middle of Times Square, eating ice cream. There were thousands and thousands of people there, all taking pictures and shopping, eating.
It's an incredible place to just sit and watch. I met the Naked Cowboy! He was playing his guitar and singing, having his picture taken with all of us tourists. He was very interested when I said we came in by sailboat. As he leaned in for the photo, he said huskily, "Does that mean you know Bob Bennett? I didn't think I had any competition out there but now I've seen his blog photo, I'm a little worried".
Is the naked cowboy REALLY naked?
Is this the same Naked Nut that was at the Kirtland AFB gate every Friday? If so, I want to know if he's following you, or if you are following him.
I never knew there was a Naked Nut in ABQ! How did I miss him? I would have gone on base more often.
Are you sure he needs a guitar, or maybe he could just use a ukelele...
It was a really big guitar...
The Naked Cowboy hit on my sister Dorian at New Years in Phoenix two years ago! Seth
Capt. B is going to be very flattered by Naked Cowboy's remarks when he sees them, but let me just be the first to say thanks. You guys sound like you're having a blast. We are SO excited for you. Hope that storm doesn't blow you around too much, but you're right, it's truly no time to be anywhere near the Atlantic. Hunker down and stay safe!
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