What’s with the lights? Yes it gets dark here like just about everywhere else. Some boats stubbornly refuse to use lights at anchor or anywhere else. Then there are the bright red ones in the cockpit, the green ones, the strobes, the lawn and garden variety that kind of, almost work for a few hours (after that you’re as dark as the no lighters) and even the little bitty flashing yellow one. These days of bright, super-bright, cheap, hardly use any energy at all LEDs it’s tough for me to imagine any reason for being un/improperly lit. There I was…..2 AM, wind howling, rain in buckets, the kind of event where boats drag and maneuver, can’t see a thing,but know everyone is up and on watch. Rain eases ever so slightly and a green navigation light pierces the night. S@#T, he’s going to hit me!!! But it doesn’t happen...looks stationary... what? After the storm…yes it was a bright green light being used as a cockpit and anchor light. Very considerate ;)
Retired AND Relaxed; Tiki Bar Pan Band |
The “No” Boat: There was this boat in the anchorage we referred to as the “No” boat. You see it had no lights; no flag, no name, and the old "gent" aboard wore no clothes. And…I’ll post NO photo to protect the innocent. You wouldn’t want to see.
Can't let these two pass:
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Cock Soup? |
Appetizer? Aphrodisiac? Main course? Does anyone need a cigarette afterwards?
Bread Made by Ho's? |
And; Bread made by Ho’s? I have no idea, but I swear it was the only brand on the shelf Saturday morning that was still warm and soft. Hmm…