
Thanksgiving Dinner for about 120

There were 8 of us at table #5, talking, laughing, enjoying the happy hour before the potluck buffet started. Having such a good time we almost didn't mind that our table number was drawn last to go through the buffet line.  Not too much turkey left after the first 110 people were through.  In fact the carcasses looked like they'd been left in the desert for a week, they were so barren.  But we had our choice of hams, squashes, dressing, cranberries galore, potatoes, gravy, dozens of salads, beans, veggies and fruit.  The good thing was, we turned right around and were first in the dessert line.  I had an awesome slice of key lime cheesecake.  It went well with my Capt'n and Coke with lime.  Great to see so many friendly faces, some of whom I hadn't realized were even in the area.  As always, so many people, so little time.

Wide awake, no tryptophan here.
This is just for my relatives in the really frozen north.  I took it as I was considering a second shower before leaving for dinner, as it is also very humid.

No word from Steve for a couple of days.  I'd heard from the Captains girlfriend that they were having engine problems and were going to put into Puerto Rico to make repairs.  Knowing as I do that Steve can take apart and put together a diesel engine in his sleep, I can't imagine what could possibly be wrong that they couldn't jerryrig a temp fix.  Any hew, I've always subscribed to the 'no news is good news' magazine and am confident that they are slowly making progress toward St Thomas.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Thanks for the temperature dig! 7 degrees F here this AM.
Sounds like a grand Thanksgiving Day! Love and miss you.