

How much is enough?

Santa was very, very good to us this year.
Aside from our extensive socialising, we've been doing LOTS of boat projects (I'll let Steve do that blog, along with all the boring pictures) and trying to reprovision for our upcoming trip to the Bahamas and Caribbean.  We decided a long time ago that no matter where we go, the people who live there eat.  It may not be what we're used to, but we'll never starve. This I know, but... I do have a couple favorite things that I'm not willing to be without. JIF, creamy, reduced fat, for one. And Doritos.  And good chocolate.  And Close Up toothpaste. And a nice crisp glass of white at the end of the day.  And toilet paper.  We're talking quality of life here. So we've been trying to find out what will be available (and affordable) and what we need to really stock up on. I've been tracking our consumption of things for years now and have a pretty good idea of how fast we use things up.  But I still have a hard time buying 100 rolls of TP and an even harder time finding a place to put it.  Because that is the hardest part of all: putting it away and then finding it again. I have an great inventory of what we have, it's just not always so great as to where we have it.  At this point, the lockers and my back are both groaning, the credit card is smoking, it's time to go.  I can live with inferior peanut butter.
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Unknown said...

Happy New Year!! I think Santa may have left some of my Christmas under your tree!!! If push comes to shove and you need some JIF or Doritos....I will send you an emergency stash!!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh...yah...if I need an emergency stash of rum....will you send it my way????

Lynn said...

I think it would be better for you to have a vacation with us and drink the rum then!

Chris said...

Don't leave without peanut butter! Just priced it at Exuma market in Georgetown... $12.00 for a large jar.

Stock up.

We miss you! You going to catch up with us down the line?

Nancy Warner said...

Here's what I did to know where provisions were on Callisto: I gave each of about 20 possible storage areas a letter code. Then I printed lists of all my provisions (within categories, like paper products, vegetables, etc.) Beside each item the letter code was repeated for each quantity. For example, if I had three cans of peas, beside the word peas, was D D E. That meant two cans in the D location, and one in the E locations. (of course I had a printed key to the locations, but they were easy to memorize.) when items were used, the code was crossed out. When items were moved from lockers to the quick access area in the galley, I just circled the code. If I put an item in the refrigerator, I put a box around the code. When items were bought, I updated the list. There were some blank rows to write in a new item not on the list. Every few months I printed up clean sheets with current inventory. This worked for me. It wasn't tedious. I always knew exactly what I had on hand and where it was. I also knew exactly what we used while in the Bahamas. I'd put dates by the paper products and toiletries so I'd know how long they lasted.

Unknown said...

Meanwhile, it's snowing hard with a temp of 8 here in Minneapolis. I'm thinking about all of that Captain Morgan in the picture...

Unknown said...

I am seriously considering taking you up on that offer Lynn! However, with all the provisions...will I be sleeping on Adjima's sun pillow up top???

Lynn said...

Yes!As a matter of fact, the 'guest quarters' have been moved to the cockpit! We plan to be far enough south that it's warm enough so sleep there anyway.